Dear Friends, dear Colleagues,

Come and join us at our national BSGIE Meeting on Thursday 14 September in Tervuren.

The program is split in two sessions.
THE BygGIE* MEETING from 11:00 till 12:40 will focus on complex biliary drainage, and transmural accesses.

This first part has been designed by our young colleagues from the BygGIEs and is based on case presentations and practical expert points of view, to feed a clinical discussion. This session is open to both young gastroenterologists and experienced ones willing to refresh and update their knowledge.


THE BSGIE MEETING from 14:00 till 20:00 will be focused on the theme of green endoscopy, the management of subepithelial lesions and the endoscopic management of patients with hereditary syndromes.

A lot of projects are growing around sustainability pushing the BSGIE forward to open the discussion on this field in Belgium.

Interactive discussions with involved people from different health care sectors, as well as industry partners  will be organized to share each vision and provide steps in modernizing our attitudes.

For the clinical part, subepithelial lesions and hereditary syndromes are less frequently exposed topics, reasons why we would  like to provide more knowledge on these fields.

The day concludes with our traditional ENDOSCOPY QUIZ, with prices to share with your endoscopy team,, as well as the chance to win the BSGIE TRAVEL GRANT!

The meeting is open to physicians, trainees in gastroenterology, and nurses interested in endoscopy.

For all enquiries, please contact:

Kind regards

The BSGIE board

Arnaud Lemmers -  BSGIE President 
Pieter Dewint – BSGIE Vice -President
Sohaib Ouazzani - Stefan Van Langendonck - BygGIE’s*  chairmen

* Belgian young group of GI Endoscopists

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